Thursday, May 18, 2006

Snapshots of France and Italy

There's little that can't be appreciated between the classy ambience of France's Provence region, including its jewel of a coast, the Cote d'Azur, the gem that is Paris, and the utter charm Italy's breathtaking lake-and-mountain respite, Lago di Como, sprinkled with sleepy little villages just begging to be explored.

I entered France with high expectations, and despite some brushes with bad weather, was not disappointed. I entered Italy knowing I was heading towards something wonderful, yet still I was completely blown away, and left days later with a heavy heart.

The blog entries detailing my French and Italian adventures are long -- I'll say that upfront. But if you bear with me and work your way through them, I guarantee you'll be adding one -- if not both -- of these destinations to your must-see list. For the highlights in photo form, you can peruse my sets on Flickr for the following desinations:

FRANCE & MONACO: Nice - Eze-Village - Monaco - Menton - St. Paul de Vence - Villefranche Sur Mer - Paris - Versailles
Climb medieval hilltowns for striking views of the Mediterranean, walk along beachfronts, wander through gardens, and soak up the French Rivieran sun. Meander through museums and meticulous gardens in Paris, and wonder at the great works of art that surround you.

ITALY: Milan - Lago di Como - Fiumilatte - Bellagio - Menaggio - Isola di Comacina - Varenna - Tremezzo
Sail across the lake on board Italian traghetti, climb to high castle perches when armored knights guard lookout posts, meet the salty crewmen aboard the Lario, savor the sumptuous lake-and-mountain views on offer in every direction.

~Melanie Posted by Picasa

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